Saturday, December 5, 2009

"Factual" Intaglio Print, 2009

This print represents my exploration into the Creationism v. Evolution controversy. This being the first print, it represents the biological forces that drive the process of evolution including Natural Selection and the change in inherited genetic material within a species. The womb represents the idea of Natural selection where "fit" individuals survive and pass on their genetic makeup to their offspring. The fingerprint represents the idea that every aspect of a species large or small comes from the inheritance of genes. The education of this subject is often debated and science faculty find it difficult to address this idea due to religious beliefs. The material is often presented as a theory that is prefaced with other evolutionary ideas and interpretations when in reality the material should be presented and supported by educators as a factual event that is supported by scientific evidence.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Politics, Peace and Conflict

The effects of war on soldiers, both psychological and physical, are devastating. Taking a personal approach to the theme of the class this semester, I looked at the effects of war on a friend of mine who has served in Iraq and now is back in Iraq again. As business people are walking through a crosswalk in the print, the soldier is running with his gun through the crowd. On return from Iraq, the soldier still perceives situations differently from all other people, and is "on guard" running through the crosswalk.

Finally Content!

Friday, May 2, 2008

B & W's

Same plates wiped with black ink minus the plexi glass plate

Color Prints!

X-ray/skeletal plates...
Multi plate, selective wiping and monoprinting on plexiglass

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Social Series

"Playing with fire" Lithograph 2007

"Who is responsible?" Lithograph 2007

"Rising CO2 levels" Lithograph

Monday, December 3, 2007

"Social work" exhibit

"Playing with fire" Lithograph 2007

This print is an image of someone juggling globes, representing the idea that so many people live and act in ways that are detrimental to our planet. More specifically people are over using resources that are not replaceable, driving SUV's that demand tons of gas, forgetting to recycle and reuse, and electing presidents who want to drill for oil in Alaska, harming the ecosystem. The three globes represent the fact that people act as if the earth was replaceable, but in reality is not and once the resources are used, what's next? Hence the phrase: "playing with fire," we are all just going to get burned...

The blog this semester has been especially influential on my art. Seeing different examples of art that expresses social responsibility has helped me develop my art and how I express my social cares. Every artist had a unique style and expression. One artist that particularly stood out to me was Bernhard Kretzschmar, who's images were full of content and depth, showing the range of possibilities of social art. I also thought Sue Coe's prints were pretty powerful and her use of words along with images has inspired me to attempt that combination in my last print of my series.