Thursday, May 3, 2007

Print Series as a Baby student type

This series was originally going to describe the evolution of my faith. I wanted to use the figure as the main emphasis in the images because I am absolutely intrigued by the human figure and function. Connecting the figure and theme of the series was my main struggle. However as I worked on copper, the series morphed. As my images on copper changed, I used techniques I learned throughout the year, including dry point, aquatinting and using asphaltum on my plate to create linear marks. My favorite part of printing these plates was experimenting with wiping, specifically leaving ink on the plate on parts of the image. The series now encapsulates my spiritual belief of interconnectedness, that everything and one is connected emotionally, spiritually, and physically through relationships, friendships, one time interactions, family ties and the earth/universe. Roots are an image I used in one of my prints to symbolize the connection of the universe and person as well as the spiritual connections and beliefs one has. The repetition of rings and auras radiating from the figures represent this idea that everything you do affects your surroundings. That the energy and vibrations of your emotions and thoughts radiate out from you to the universe and will attract back what you want.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Lucky Numbers

Never too late for a blog...

I know it's the last week of the semester but I found a little time in between studying and finishing up prints to make a blog. This semester has been really fun and difficult, but I am so excited to come back next year and continue to learn!